Swimming Pool and Spa Inspections

Many homes have pools or spas. We inspect pools from the basic to the elaborate. A typical pool inspection includes a complete review of operation of all pumps, water features, pool sweeps and controls. We check the filtration systems condition and report as to the need for service. The electrical for the control panel and pumps as well as other readily accessible items is thoroughly reviewed for operation and code compliance. The interior of the pool or spa and the decking is reviewed for visible defects. Finally and most importantly we review the safety of the pool area and its features and advise our clients on the necessary improvements, if any to meet the current pool regulations.

You will receive a full color PDF report with numerous pictures of our findings as either a stand alone report or as a indexed item in your full home inspection report.

As a final note, the company president, Scott Collins is certified to perform energy assessments on pool equipment. Did you know that your pool is the largest user of electricity in your home over a 1 year period. Many times we can cut your pools energy use in half, sometime even more by installing a properly sized and controlled pump or pumps. Both SMUD and PG&E offer rebates to replace your oversized pool pump. Call today to schedule your pool energy assessment and let us show you one of the quickest Return On Investment opportunities.